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'A' is for Abundance

Two dozen not enough for you? ¶ 

How about three dozen? (Photo: 

Row after row of wooden crates filled or partially filled with apples of different colors.
Not nearly all of the apples for sale at Volante Farms in Needham, Massachusetts, yesterday.

Volante Farms, in Needham (Massachusetts) is selling 36 different kinds of apples. Or was last night when I visited.

It's a sign of the abundance of apple choices generally this time of year.

I could not fit all of the bins of apples in to a single photograph.

Volante keeps a running tally of apples for sale on it's website: very useful, but this week the list does not keep up with the inventory.

The market gets apples from many growers, which accounts for the breadth of choice.

Something for everyone

The apples on offer include apples you know and others you likely don't, modern varieties and heirlooms, dessert apples and culinary; sweet and tart.

The assortment includes Baldwin and Black Oxford as well as several varieties (sports) of McIntosh and Honeycrisp.

If you are an unfortunate with an apple allergy, Volante has Mutsu (Crispin), which some sufferers say provokes no reaction.

A pile or red apples shares a wooden bn with a pile of yellow-red apples. Signs identify them as "Kendall" and "baldwin" respectovely.
Something to suit every taste

Still other kinds of apples are for sale this week at orchards, greenmarkets, and farm stands.

It's a chance that won't come again until October of 2025.

Rows of wooden bins filled with apples of different colors.
Even these six rows of bins of apples do not hold all that are for sale.
