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Swollen Prides

Two large apples with a dark red blush

The pickings at Farmers market this week were pretty slim, but there are more choices farther afield. ¶ 

Red Apple Farm has these enormous Williams Prides, and more besides.

In addition to their rich flavors, these Williamses had a cherry note I'd never noticed before.

Wooden bins loaded with apples, bins hand painted with "Williams Pride" and "Yellow Transparent"
Some of the apples at Red Apple Farm in Phillipston, Massachusetts, yesterday.

I am also pleased to find Yellow Transparent, an old-fashioned early apple.

Other apples there right now:

If you add those to the Paula Reds and Ginger Golds at farmers market this past week, that makes 9 apple choices.

It is not too early to see what's for sale at local orchards. If you don't, you could miss out!


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