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Vote with your mouth

4 platters with cut pieces of apples. There are only 2 pieces of Cox's left.
Apple tasting featuring (left to right) Crimson Crisp, Cox's Orange Pippin, Ashmead's Kernel, and Macoun.

I organized an apple tasting for my colleagues where I work today, and got a visual demonstration of their collective taste in apples.

Using my trusty apple slicer, I cut exactly 32 bits (four apples, pieces of eight) of each variety.

At the end of the event, here's what was left.

The Cox's have it! With only two slices left.

Crimson Crisp placed, followed by Ashmead's Kernel and finally Macoun.

Fancy Macoun coming in last! But the competition was stiff.

You can click on the photo for a closer look.


  1. I just had an Ashmead's Kernel for the first time and it was sooooooo delicious!!! It would have received my vote for sure! It's definitely one of my new favorites!

    1. Asmead's is great! But Cox and Macoun are not too shabby either.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm not familiar with it. Maybe someone will come by.


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