Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Not with a Bang

With tables of fruit in the background, a sign says "Last Day"
"Last day of market" in Davis Square, Somerville, today.

The American Thanksgiving is tomorrow, which means that the urban markets here ended today.

A had-letered sign that reads "Kimball Fruit Farm, Last Day of Market! Thank you for Another Great Season! Today's Deal: Apple Cider

Things were a bit picked over this afternoon, and there were fewer than a dozen apple varieties on offer.

I got a bag of Blushing Goldens to eat next month.

This year was the poorest for local (eastern Massachusetts) apples that I can remember, a combination I think of heat and drought and adverse conditions during pollination.

It is problematic to draw direct inferences, but we are connected to the earth and the earth is unsettled.

1 comment:

  1. The heat and drought in your area was historic- definitely not a 'judgement' year.


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