Saturday, December 26, 2020

Pecks of Winter Keepers

Bags of apples, from different orchards, sitting on wooden steps

This week I have augmented my hoard of apples with two pecks of winter fruit. With some gaps, I expect my supply to take me through to April.

The acquisitions are a half peck each of Cripps Pink ("Pink Lady" to you) and Blushing Golden, and a whole peck of GoldRush.

I'd collected a round of December fruit back in November, as is my habit, but by now I've eaten enough of them to make room for more.

This is an attempt at "just in time" apple hoarding. Still there is spillover into my mudroom.

GoldRush is especially noteworthy; it is the apple I will eat in April.

Bonus: A peck is one fourth of a bushel, of course, but also one half of a kenning and a sixteenth of a boll. These last two agricultural units of measurement are not generally used these days.


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