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First of all, British Apples

Eric Blair and an old-style microphone labeld BBC

Eric Arthur Blair, who wrote as George Orwell, praised the apples of Britain in an essay about British food that went unpublished for many years.

In addition it is worth listing the foodstuffs, natural or prepared, which are especially good in Britain and which any foreign visitor should make sure of sampling.

The British Council commissioned the essay in 1946 and then declined to publish it.

First of all, British apples, one or other variety of which is obtainable for about seven months of the year. Nearly all British fruits and vegetables have a good natural flavour, but the apples are outstanding.

The best are those that ripen late, from September onwards, and one should not be put off by the fact that most British varieties are dull in colour and irregular in size. The best are the Cox’s Orange pippin, the Blenheim Orange, the Charles Hoss, the James Grieve and the Russet.

These are all eaten raw. The Bramley: Seedling is a superlative cooking apple.

Today the entire essay, including recipes and some obvious typos, is available on the British Council's website.
