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Apple of the Week: Gravenstein

Two streaky apples, red over spring green

Gravenstein is the Macoun of August.

These are not quite at peak where I live, but still worth seeking out.

Old-world Gravenstein took root in California and elsewhere. It brings mid-harvest authority in mid August and is one of the best things going right now.

Gravenstein comes in two colors (mostly) green and (mostly) red.

I almost said that it comes in two flavors, but the truth is that I have never been able to locate any meaningful difference in taste between the original Grav and its sporty red sibling.

When not fully ripe, Gravenstein sometimes displays a faint metallic note.

Not tasting that this summer, though the pips of my apples are still mostly white—a sign that the fruit is not yet at peak.



  1. I bought some Gravenstein at a local farmer's market this week. Some of them were rather mushy. The famous California Gravensteins are from up north, around Sebastopol, but the grower at the local market was from the San Joaquin valley, which is a much hotter climate. I've heard that Gravenstein does well near the coast down here in Southern California.

    1. Yeah, a little late for Grav at this point.

      But depending on where you are, others should be coming in to their own. EG Macs here in NE.


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