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Lodi vs. Gingergold smackdown

Two early-season light-green apples. Lodi (at left) is a small medium, slightly conical and ribbed, with faint green lenticels. In lieu of a blush, the sun-touched region is a shade more yellow.

Gingergold (right) is medium-to-large, a slightly darker hue of Lodi's green. Its shape is similar, with more-prominent ribs ending in distinct bumps at the base.

The lenticels are similarly indistinct areas of a darker green, though on both apples some lenticels are defined by a small dark speck at the center. Gingergold's blush can run to a pronounced streaky orange pink.

Lodi's appearance is more delicate; Gingergold's, more substantial.

In terms of flavor, the opposite is true.

Gingergold, perhaps a bit early, has crisp dense yellow-green flesh with a pleasant but not overpowering tang balanced with sweet. It is refreshing and uncomplicated, with a little spice.

Lodi is not as dense or fine, or crisp or sweet. Its flavor is similar but also sharper and stronger; I suspect many modern palates would not prefer it to Gingergold.

As it turns out, they are very good together, and I found myself alternating bites with pleasure. First Gingergold's lightness made me crave Lodi's more-substantial flavors; then Lodi's tartness accentuated Gingergold's sweet notes.

However, my Gingergold may have been a bit early, which would emphasize the tartness and mute other flavors.

My final verdict: I prefer not to choose. Get both, if you can, and eat them together.


  1. I love the idea of "double-fisting" apples for the sake of flavor perfection. Sort of like having apple with the side of apple.


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