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Showing posts from December, 2019

Midwest 311 **

Will you look at that gorgeous apple! The crimson blush is so saturated that the prominent lenticel dots look white in stark contrast. A relief map of red-brown crackles resemble scars. You can feel them with your fingertips, like a Braille interpretation of a Jackson Pollock painting.

Ludacrisp *

In the midst of the tedious Age of HoneyCrispySweetieCrunch®, the name of this apple made me laugh. At least someone has a sense of humor!

Caney Fork Limbertwig

This is an interesting looking apple by many metrics. Large and round, with really no perceptible ribbing, the Caney Fork Limbertwig is a light lemon yellow about two-fifths blushed with the mottled orange red that you see. Dark lenticels brood within the blush. They are raised bumps in the unblushed yellow. And check out that long, skinny stem.

What's On Tap

There are fifteen different kinds of apples for sale until 2 pm today at Somerville's Winter Market , unless they have run out.

Mostly Harmless

On December 2 of this year, when things are usually pretty quiet here, the traffic to this little blog suddenly went through the roof. On Twitter, Matt Haughey , who has a preposterous  28 thousand  followers, had tweeted some very nice things about my blog. Temporary internet fame ensued.

The Two Sisters

Lucies Rose (L) and Glo Once upon a time there were two sisters, Lucy Glo and Lucy Rose. Lucy Glo was the tangy one, Lucy Rose the sweet. Or so they say . Today, we'll see.

A good many apples

It's easy to see a list of all the apples I review on this blog, if you are reading this on a desktop computer. Just scroll down enough and you'll see the list in the right-hand sidebar. Some of you are reading this on a phone or tablet and the sidebar is hidden. For you, all my apples (as of today) are listed below as clickable links.

Lucy Rose

I had to travel all the way to Colorado to find this apple from Washington State. Lucy Rose, and her sister Lucy Glo , are in supermarkets in many parts of the U.S. They have not, however, made it to eastern Massachusetts. This does seem to be the Year of Red Flesh here at Adam's Apples, does it not? Lucy Glo is also red fleshed, though she is otherwise unlike her sister.