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Looking for something?

Maybe you found this blog by looking for something (on Google, for instance).

Here are some search-related tips about links, labels, sidebar links, comments, photos, search, and other features.


Click underlined links for related matter, some on this blog, some not.

The tabs at the top of the blog link to special pages with links organized in what I hope are helpful ways. (Got a mystery apple? Look for a match at "visual.")


Some readers graciously leave comments. Many are more informative than my original posts. Find comments after the ends of posts. The five most-recent comments (excluding my replies) are listed in the sidebar at right.

(In some views of this blog, the sidebar is hidden behind a triple-bar menu () at upper right)

A big thanks to those who take the time to write!


Every post is categorized using keyword labels, listed at the end. Click them to see like posts, if any.

The "seasonal" labels (September, Summer, November, etc.) refer to the approximate time the fruit is picked in the Northern Hemisphere. Every apple review, but not every post, is sorted into these.


You have to scroll down to see all the links in the sidebar at right. Towards the bottom are (1) a list of every apple review by title, followed by (2) a list of every label category. What you seek may be there.

Example: click Macoun under Apple Review to read my Macoun review. Click Macoun under By Topic to read all the entries—more than five—for that apple.

(There's only one review per variety, though there might be additional posts about it).

Some labels of note: Links will show my short descriptions of other apple-related web sites. Nomenclature links to posts about terms and technology used in the apple world. Comparisons are special reviews comparing two varieties.


Click on any photo to see a larger, clearer version.

Search me

You can search the whole blog using the search feature at the top left of every page, but it is quirky, does not search comments, and misses some results.

Or search everything on Adam's Apples (comments too!) in the sidebar.


This blog's first post and a welcome introduces things and welcomes you, respectively. I plot many of the places I write about on this map.
