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Showing posts from January, 2019

Honeycrisp and Cider

SOME MORE STORIES ABOUT THE POMACIOUS FRUIT Today on our menu: the second of two posts about recent stories you may have missed.

Winter Honeycrisp

Honeycrisp  fresh off the tree is popular and prized. How does it fare four months later?

Apples posing

Many friends and others have told me of the recent New York Times story about a striking collection of apple photos. In “Odd Apples,” William Mullan chronicles — and idealizes — rare varieties of the fruit. — Civil Eats (@CivilEats) January 9, 2019 The photos are by William Mullan, who got most, and perhaps all, of his apples from the Union Square Greenmarket in Manhattan.

Juci (Juci Delite) *

NEW APPLE This new Honeycrisp x Braeburn cross is emerging from the development stage (grafting and planting trees) to retail (enough fruit-bearing trees to bring apples to market). Its saturated blush is a deep crimson—darker in person than in my photo.

In case you missed them, part one

SOME RECENT STORIES OF THE POMACIOUS FRUIT Today's report just shares some recent stories about apples. . @Kazakhstan 's treasure trove of wildly-flavored #apples - via @BBC #Almaty #VisitKZ #travel #TravelTuesday — KazakhWorld (@KazakhWorld) November 21, 2017 I learned about some of these from my readers. So, not exactly news to everyone. But, enjoy.

To my readers on the new year, 2019

With this, my tenth new year's message, I send my very best wishes for the year to come. I cannot, however, help but share a troubling statistic with you. This year I only found three apples to add to my opinionated catalog . Apple Reviews by Year 2008–18 Year published refers to the year of the canonical review, which in a few cases is later than an earlier review of the same variety; such earlier reviews are not included. I find it hard to imagine what this blog would be without new apples to sample and share.