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More apples, more choices!

Sixteen is the magic number of apple choices at today's farmers market in Arlington, Massachusetts. Including Macoun, Pomme Gris, and Wickson. ¶ 

 (Photo: A few of the apples you could buy today in Arlington, Massachusetts.

Now you're talking. ¶ 

Tomorrow's market in neighboring Belmont may have even more, because all of the same apple farms are usually present, plus Hutchins, an organic farm in Concord.

I visited Hutchins yesterday:

Jonagold and Ludacrisp are two of the apples for sale at Hutchins Farm yesterday.

Arlington Honor Roll (debuting apples in italics)

Organic Hutchins (as of yesterday)

Of course there's lots more out in the field, I just happened to be in Concord yesterday.

Yesterday at Hutchins Farm in Concord, Massachusetts.

For instance, at this writing Volante Farms's website also lists 16 kinds of apples, some different from these.

Other orchards and farm stands are bound to have still more.

What are you waiting for?
