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Who is this guy

Grey-haired man with sunglasses and tee-shirt at a farmstand, holding apples
photo: judy elliot

Rank amateur who does not even grow apples is not shy about holding forth on them anyway:

As you’ve probably gathered, his tastes don’t align with the average consumer’s. And, as you might be asking yourself by now: Why should I care what Adam Auster thinks? Millions of people eat apples. He’s just one.

The interview for this story was fun. Still I wondered if Good Fruit Grower would really publish it, however well written.

The February 15 issue has stories on detection of plant disease and "A New Place for Spore Traps." It's written for farmers.

After all, why should they care what Adam thinks?


  1. Nice article! Somehow I always imagined you as being younger than me. Probably because you had a blog!

    1. Blogs are pretty retro. Now, my tik-tok....

  2. I just discovered your blog (thanks to this article), it will be fun to explore. Here's my apple tasting list ("Apples" tab), 1=terrible, 10=great. I also have an apple I grew from seed which has been well received. I named it "Miss Jessamine" after my daughter. Let me know if you're ever in SW Washington state and I'll give you some.

    1. @Dave, what an elegant selection of apple varieties!

  3. A link to the article was also shared on the North American Fruit Explorers – NAFEX Facebook feed. That’s where I first saw it.


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