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Midwest 633 *

Orange: you would really have to call this flame-colored apple orange, or at least halfway there from red.

This as-yet unnamed apple ("633" is just a placeholder) has an uneven blush over yellow, marked in places with many tan lenticel dots.

It is largish and classically shaped, with a deep stemwell that swallows most of the thick stem. There is a small amount of ribbing.

Lots of Flavor

The bite is into medium-coarse-grained, juicy yellow flesh bearing a good deal of sweetness and some rich flavors. The apple is floral, spicy, and has a little citric effect that is closer to orange than anything else.

There is a faint melon note, too, that is a little stronger in the finish. These flavors combine succulently.

The crunch is decent, though perhaps not as explosive as some on the market today.

But if flavor is the new crisp, the apple known as 633 is a winner. It has flavor in spades.


  1. Interesting apple. I might like to grow it. Any way to get scionwood?

    1. @Anon: My guess is no, since it is currently under development.

      But I could be wrong. You could always ask MAIA about it.


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