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Cosmic Crisp vs. SugarBee smackdown

Two large red apples

In the realm of Honeycrisp and its two principal rivals, EverCrisp and Cosmic Crisp, the SugarBee (R) is but a poor relation.

Why, it doesn't even have the word "crisp" in its name.

But it comes from the same stock and aims for the same effect.

So join me for a comparison tasting with Cosmic Crisp (L), since I am fortunate to have both today.

Honeycrisp continues to define this category of apples that are super sweet, very juicy, and explosively crisp.

The Honeycrisp is Cosmic Crisp's pollen parent (father), and also the mother of EverCrisp and SugarBee.

So let's take a look at this sibling relationship. Is it rivalry or something else?

Looking closely

A large red apple
These two apples look a lot alike. Cosmic's red blush is a bit more saturated, and slightly less orange, than Sugar Bee's, but they are close.

Both are decorated by tan lenticel dots that vary in size, and both are about the same shape and size (large).

My Bee shows many small dents, artifacts of storage and transportation. (My Cosmics came packed in foam from the grower.)

Maybe they are fragile in that way, or maybe mine just had a rough trip.

The two smell sweet, but not in the same way. Cosmic has that unusual smokey note, while Sugar Bee is pure apple cider.

The proof in the eating

Biting in, Sugar Bee has coarse-grained yellow flesh with plenty of juice and a first-rate crunch.

The honeydew and spice notes, and the enticing suggestion of something alcoholic that I found in my tasting sample in 2017, are still present.

Oh, and it's pretty sweet. But those flavors make it palatable.
The flesh of Cosmic Crisp is very similar in texture and color and crunch. It is perhaps a degree denser. Without being any less sweet Cosmic brings more balancing tartness.

In this context, Cosmic's flavors are less obvious. There is that floral note, but the smokiness I have found in some samples, though still present, expresses itself more as a savory quality—which is also echoed in Sugar B.

Which is best?

These apples are not especially amiable companions. A bite of Cosmic after Sugar Bee lacks distinction, though the measure of tart is pleasant; a bite of the Bee after Cosmic tastes thin and saccharine.

Both improve on the second bite after the switch.

Still you wouldn't eat both of these in one sitting unless you were very hungry or, in my case, curious.

I went back and forth on these, initially favoring SugarBee. But at the end of it all, it is a draw between these similar and related varieties.



  1. Now if I could just get some scions of Cosmic Crisp and Sugarbee! I'd love to graft some onto my other apple trees.

  2. just tried my first Cosmic Crisp. This apple is worlds better than Honeycrisp. There is a wine like richness to it and a small hint of mandarin to it to towards the end. It is a shame us amateurs are not able to get one of these trees (yet).

    1. The restriction I know about is, no licensing outside of Washington State for 10 years.

  3. Bought both of these recently at an Asian grocery store chain. Here in Canada the Cosmic Crisp sold for nearly $8 for just two apples (even though they were both enormous)! The two SugarBee were smaller and just slightly under half that price. I don't usually pay such an exorbitant price for apples, but I'm always willing to try just about anything once. I liked the Sugar Bee better than the Cosmic Crisp, which I thought was far too sweet and other than sheer size didn't have much else going for it. I used it for juicing instead of eating it. Worked out very well.

    1. $4 per apple does seem a bit rich, even assuming the apples were huge!

  4. Just tried a Sugar Bee, or at least that is what the tag on it says. It has no flavor at all. It is crisp, but not sweet or tart, just nothing. I even put a little sprinkle of salt on it to bring out the sweetness, and I still get nothing. I don't even get any apple-like flavor. Maybe it's me, but everything else tastes fine. $2.49/lb which is a lot more than the other apples 99c/lb so I was hoping for something spectacular. I will stick with Pink Lady and Cosmic Crisp when I see them for now. I may try them again, but this one is going in the bin.

    1. Purchased three Sugar Bee apples from the grocery store and tried one. I went searching for some information and came across your comment because I had the exact same reaction. It is apple in shape, texture, and appearance, but has no taste.

  5. I'm addicted to the Sugarbee apple. I was paying $3.99/ lb for them. Now they are gone. I had 2 a day.
    I find no apples this year have any taste. That is why I am waiting for new crops. Hurry up fall.

  6. I have absolutely loved Sugar Bee apples after discovering them 2-3 years ago. I always look for them, but they are hard to find, which was the reason I saw some and brought a reasonable supply home. Just ate it. It was not sweet. I guess the few I bought will be my last. Maybe I will give it another day or two before I eat another just in case my taste buds are off. Look for another post in a couple of days.


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