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Tired old apples

A washed-out photo of an apple

The apples in the supermarkets here were picked nearly a year ago. ¶ 

And it shows.

Used to be we'd get a rescue mission of apples from the south, from Chile and New Zealand and other places where the apples ripen in the winter and spring.

Not any more. And gosh these tired old apples are just not fun to eat.

I'm grateful for the system that brings us apples year round, but this is a failure.

When the local fruit arrives later this month, you can bet I am not looking back.


  1. The New Zealand Braeburns were always the best Braeburns.

    1. No Braeburns at all out here this year.

      We get great local fruit in season but New England seems to be at the end of the truck run the rest of the year.

    2. They've disappeared from supermarkets out west, too. I did see some at the local greengrocer this year for one week only. I think most of the trees have been replaced with Cosmic Crisp.

  2. I love your blog dude

  3. Votre blog est très intéressant. Merci


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