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Last call

A small sign with the heading "Apple Special" is perched on the side of a wooden crate full of apples. The rest of the sign reads "Fill the bag! 10 lbs for $25, save $1.00 per pound"
Deals can be had on the rain-soaked last day of farmers' market 2023 in Davis Square, Somerville. ¶ 

Some farmstands sell their apples through February, but most things shut down after Thanksgiving. ¶ 

Today was the last day for the farmers market in Davis Square, Somerville. ¶ 

The last day is always a bit lonely,

A woman holding an umbrella walks between two awnign-covered booths in a rain-soaked parking lot that is nearly empty.

especially measured against the same scene in summer or early fall.

At the market this week:

If you haven't got your stash of winter apples yet, better get cracking.

A woman in a hooded winter coat contemplates rows of apples organized into wooden crates
