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Unexpected apples

A bronze apple rising from a grassy field
This statue graces the High Line, a park in New York City, this summer.

Maybe 14 years of blogging about apples has done something to my brain (you think?), but now I just notice them wherever I go.

A recent event in The Big Apple included this sartorial tchotchke:

A celluloid lapel pin depicting a cut apple.

(I suggest that my visual pun was better.)

I also made a pilgrimage to the Union Square Farmers Market, though I knew June is too early for apples in the Northeast.

Still, several farms were selling fruit from the 2021 harvest, including Winesap, not something we see here in the off season.

The bronze apple was on exhibit on the Highline, a park in Manhattan built on an old elevated train line.

(To be precise, the sculpture, and several others, are on exhibit on the roof of the Kasmin Gallery as of this writing. The roof abuts the park.)

The name of the work is Pomme D'hiver, by sculptor Claude Lalanne.
