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Rescue from a bleak spring (with music)

Note (or, perhaps, Warning):

The Music Appreciation Department at Adam's Apples has selected a recording to play in the background as you read today's report.

Click the play button below for the full experience.

Mid-spring is the nadir of the apple year. The fall harvest is a distant memory and the first apples of summer are 3 months distant.

Yes there is fruit in the supermarkets, laid away in some cases since September. But even the marvels of modern industrial storage cannot stay the ravages of time.

These apples are tired, their flavors muted and melded, their crunch blunted. Why people pay $4/lb for Honeycrisps in May is a mystery to me.

(Short musical interlude here.)

But lo, against the distant sky, into this slough of despond ride apples from Chile and New Zealand and Argentina, picked in March and April.

The arrival of these apples is late this year. And very welcome.

To the rescue!

They are crisp, they are firm, they are fresh.

And they are here.


If you chose to, you have been listening to the Finale from the William Tell Overture by Gioachino Rossini.

The Finale, sometimes known as the "March of the Swiss Soldiers," is the last of four parts of the overture and is popularly confused with the entire work.

The image is Fredrick Remmington's The Calvary Charge.
