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Losing ground rejoinder

Today's Boston Globe includes my letter in response to last week's story about the decline of local orchards:

It's sad, and ironic, that local apple growers are losing ground to imports ("Local apple growers losing ground," Sept. 28).

The durable industrial apples from Washington or Chile are welcome in the spring, but why would anyone eat them during apple season in New England?

Besides the popular seasonal McIntosh and Macoun apples, many local orchards still grow wonderful heirlooms such as Jonathan, Baldwin, and Opalescent. Some are available nowhere else.

October is high season for apples, and there is no better time to visit an orchard, farm stand, or farmers' market to try some of these authentic—and singular—New England treats.

The Globe also echoed these sentiments in an editorial praising local apples:

Always a good way to get some exercise in the crisp fall air, apple picking is an ecological boon too. As citizens look to reduce their carbon footprints, solutions lie not merely in matters of gas mileage and thermostats, but also in the food we eat. Apples from local orchards are a good, green choice.

Pass me an apple, please!
