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Apple anniversary
(and note to subscribers)

This one-year experiment is now fourteen, and looks with hope at the start of another apple season.

Two green and two red apples
Early apples Lodi and Vista Bella

It's been fun and rewarding for me! Those who subscribe to Adam's Apples by email may see some changes. (Click the title for details.)

I have long since accepted that this is a seasonal blog, and try not to have expectations about how many posts I "should" publish here per week or month.

Nonetheless I am always especially pleased to taste varieties of apples for the first time and share them with you, adding to my 300+ catalog.

It is harder to find these in year fifteen than in year one.

Subscribe by mail

Some of you subscribe to this blog by email, using a service that has been built into this blogging platform since 2010.

Unfortunately, it looks as though the service may be discontinued soon, though I plan to let it run for as long as possible. 

I have no immediate alternative, but at some point existing subscribers may get an email asking them to opt in to a different subscription service.

There have already been some strange quirks in the service. For now, the emails only show the start of the post. To read the whole thing, click the title in the email to go to the post on the web.

If you stop hearing from me this season, I am probably still cranking away here, and you can check and see.

If you find you don't miss me, do nothing, decline future invitations, and declutter your in box (slightly). It has been fun!

Fun for me

Through this blog and related twitter feed, I have learned a great deal, sharpened my writing, and met some great people both online and in real life.

Your comments are an especially rewarding source of information and delight.

Now: the season is starting. Let's go eat some apples!

An apple core, nibbled



  1. Happy to join you in another year of apple tasting, Adam. And thank you!

  2. Happy anniversary! I check and enjoy your blog quite often. And envy you a bit because of all the different apples you have eaten.

    In 2018 I started a daily blog (in German) about old apple varieties. A crazy ideal after I gave a calendar with 365 illustrations of old varieties as a present to a friend. She lamented that there is just the illustration and the name – but no information, so: to hear is to obey and I collected the information :)
    After that year I paused (reading and writing every day about delicious apples without eating them was a bit too much theory :D). This year I started again, and because there are many illustrations from the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection I often have a look if you tried them (and if so I link to your blog).
    I wish you a great season with a lot of delicate apples to try.

  3. Thank you @Anonymous! Feel free to post a link to your blog here.

  4. Jai goute tres beaumerci de cette cpmontaire sur les fruits et lugumes


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