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Belle d'Août *

Round yellow apple mostly blushed red, with a perky stem
Imperfect translation: Beauty of August

My samples of this apple are small. The partial blush, streaky in spots, is a cheerful red over yellow green, decorated with light lenticels in the blush.

There's really no ribbing to speak of, and despite a slight taper, the overall impression is round. The stem adds a jaunty note.

Belle's flesh is crisp and on the sweet side, and medium-grained leaning coarse.

Her off-white flesh bears pleasing flavors that include oranges, lychee, caramel, and corn syrup. The crunch is not exceptional but still quite satisfying.

From Pomiferous we learn that Belle d'Août is the name for a little-grown Victorian variety as well as for the modern variety that mine surely is.

It is a Redfree x Liberty cross.

Despite the lovely name, I found mine in early September.
