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Golden Russet Cider

In season, Bolton Orchards (map) presses this elegant varietal sweet cider from the Golden Russet.

This clear amber liquid is surely filtered, althou

h the label only notes that the cider is UV pasteurized and has a little preservative added. There is absolutely no residue, and the cider is as transparent as filtered apple juice.

This cider's flavor and aroma are both sweet, light, and with strong pear notes. Had someone told me this was pear juice I'd have believed it.

Compared to regular pressed cider, GR cider is lighter and milder, as its appearance suggest. Like other cider, however, it is best served cold to mute an intense sweetness that would otherwise cloy.


  1. This cider sounds amazing. This fall I tried Honey Crisp cider for the first time. Much lighter than regular cider it had a very distinct flavor. It was also unpasteurized which I feel allows some of the nuances of a cider to come forth. Almost tasted like Champagne

  2. Wow, where to begin?

    Chris is an apple picker and blogs about that (and other things) at A Life of Apples.

    So let me be the first to welcome Chris to the select company of apple bloggers. (Probably also among the last to do so, given how select we are.)

    His posts are far-ranging and meditative. One example, where he describes his encounter with Honeycrisp sweet cider, is here.

    I'm glad you dropped by, Chris. Welcome!

  3. Adam, I highly enjoy your description of apples! I live in San Diego and have recently begun researching and learning about apples. I am SUPER interested in trying a few apples that are not available here at farmers markets. Or perhaps I missed the season for them? Do you have suggestions on websites or farms from which to order apples or apple ciders? Thank you for so much helpful information!

    1. Amy, do not despair! Apple do grow in Southern California, though perhaps not all the same as the ones I write about here.

      But check out the fellow who writes Apples and Oranges and while you are at it the <a href="”>Fruit Maven</a>. The Maven is not writing these days, alas, but she shows that there is a lively apple culture in San Diego if you look for it.


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