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Autumn Crisp correction

The apple previously sold around here as "Early Jonagold" is really called "Autumn Crisp."

There's a farmer in Concord, Massachusetts who likes to grow apples so cutting-edge they have numbers instead of names.

So, he gives them unofficial names, some of which are quite clever.

This is a smart and helpful thing to do, since it makes it easier for folks like us remember something that we especially liked.

But one of these apples—NY 674, sold in Concord as "Early Jonagold," has officially been "Autumn Crisp" since 2009. No nickname required.

It is a Golden Delicious x Monroe cross.

I'm making appropriate changes to my review.

P.S.: Despite the nickname, Autumn Crisp is not especially Jonagold-like.


  1. We've been eating Autumn Crisp since it was NY-674 and it's a great apple!

  2. Autumn Crisp was the focus of a news item in 2006 when Cornell was in the process of selling exclusive rights to NY674 to Cadbury Schweppes for $50,000 annually for 10 years. I was curious about that since when I saw the article I had recently bought a NY674 tree. I made some inquiries and found out that the deal had fallen through not long after the article had been written. The Mott's division had been interested in the NY 674 because of it thought the variety's crispness and super non-browning quality could be utilized in a new apple chip product. But Mott's must have had second thoughts and pulled out. We've had a few harvests. I agree with your assessment, but I'd be tempted to market them as "worth half a million bucks in every bite."

    1. John, I notice that Geneva has bred its new Ruby Frost apple from Autumn Crisp. Have you tried that one?

  3. A few local orchards have advertised that they have Ruby Frost and Snapdragon, but I have yet to experience them.


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