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Now we are six

Three wooden crates filled with apples. They have hand-lettered signs that say "Paul Red," "Zestar," and "Ginger Gold."
Some of the apples at farmers market yesterday in Arlington, Massachusetts. ¶ 

Gala, this week, has joined last week's quintet of apples at farmers market, for a total of 6 apple varieties. ¶ 

August still feels a little thin (Gravenstein, where art thou?), but there are more picks every week.

And still more in the orchards, as we've seen. I am looking forward to September!


  1. Gravenstein are available at Sunny Farms in Sequim, WA. A bit of a drive for you.

    1. I'll stop by next time I am in the neighborhood.

  2. Dowse Orchards in Sherborn had them last weekend; red and green-- the reds were sadly soft already, and I picked up some from Pennings on the NY/NJ border to compare. Soons in NY had them as well. I'm hearing a lot of places saying things ripened extra early, but not many heirlooms as of yet.


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